Consulting Applications TARPSY
The TARPSY tariff system, which is used for reimbursement in inpatient psychiatry, is regularly revised. The TARPSY application procedure was established in order to be able to integrate the needs of the various players in the healthcare system and the know-how on the latest developments in psychiatry as optimally as possible. With our consulting, we offer you the optimal support to make your application as promising as possible.
In doing so, you benefit from our extensive experience in all aspects of inpatient tariff structures in Switzerland. For example, eonum provided technical and professional support to SwissDRG AG during the development of TARPSY. Our two former employees of SwissDRG AG, Tim Peter and Dr. med. Rainer Müller, also know the internal processes at SwissDRG AG very well.
Accordingly, we can accompany you with your application from the very beginning and throughout the entire process. Together with you, we evaluate the chances of success and examine the various options. For example, it is important to check whether the grouping should be changed or a new supplementary charge should be applied for. Depending on this, a CHOP application may also be required as a first step. After these clarifications, we formulate an application together with you and find a suitable applicant. This ensures that you get the most out of your options.
We offer many other advisory services around TARPSY. Find out more about them and our advice on CHOP applications on the corresponding offer pages.
For our counselling and analysis services, we use our own Casematch software. You can use this software too – find out more about it and get in touch with us!

Would you like to learn more about the structure and functioning of the TARPSY tariff? You can find exciting and worth knowing information on our knowledge page on the inpatient tariff for psychiatry.