Consulting Applications CHOP
Benefit from our experience in the CHOP application procedure. With our consulting, we will guide you through the entire process and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to maximise your chances of success.
The CHOP catalogue is used within the framework of the three inpatient tariff structures SwissDRG, TARPSY and ST Reha for coding medical services, so-called procedures. Together with the diagnoses from the ICD catalogue, the demographic data and other parameters of the case, a grouping into a flat rate per case results or an additional charge is triggered. The reimbursement is linked to this accordingly.
In order to keep the latest medical developments and the statistical and tariff demands on the CHOP catalogue up-to-date, the CHOP application procedure has been established. This gives you the opportunity to improve the mapping of certain procedures or medical products and thus potentially influence reimbursement.
Eonum accompanies you throughout the entire process: After clarifying the actual situation, the various options are evaluated. This also includes the planning of any further applications in the tariff structures SwissDRG, TARPSY and ST Reha. In this way, you know how long the entire process will take to achieve any improved reimbursement. We will then draw up the CHOP application together with you and find a suitable applicant.
Contact us today and arrange an initial non-binding meeting. We look forward to getting to know you and your concerns.
All around a CHOP application procedure, applications in the relevant tariff structures also frequently become an issue. Here, too, eonum has a great deal of experience. Read more about our services on the corresponding offer pages.
For our counselling and analysis services, we use our own Casematch software. You can use this software too – find out more about it and get in touch with us!

Learn more about the structure and composition of the CHOP catalogue on our knowledge page on the topic.