Efficient controlling
For efficient controlling in health care and many other purposes, the Casematch software offers an easy-to-use function for analysing and comparing case populations. With just a few clicks, variables, statistical quantities and financial ratios can be viewed at a glance. The user can define the case populations himself using the DRG, ICD and CHOP codes or via demographic, SwissDRG and BFS variables. All other existing variables of a data set, such as medicines or materials, can also be used for evaluation. The evaluations can be carried out in the inpatient as well as in the outpatient sector, including the current catalogues of TARMED, TARDOC or the new outpatient flat rates.
If the cost data are included in the uploaded data set, these are also evaluated and important key figures are calculated. It is also possible to take a look at the bigger picture. The hospital-internal data can be compared with the anonymised Casematch data pool or the SwissDRG data mirror.

Diverse functions to support controlling are just one feature of our browser-based software Casematch. Discover the software and other features.
For our counselling and analysis services, we use our own Casematch software. You can use this software too – find out more about it and get in touch with us!