Tariff development in the healthcare sector
Developing a new tariff system requires a lot of professional expertise and technical resources. Eonum can support you in both when it comes to tariff development in the healthcare sector.
With Tim Peter and Rainer Müller, MD, two former employees of SwissDRG AG, the inpatient tariff organisation in Switzerland, work at eonum. Thanks to his former role as Head of IT, Tim Peter is familiar with all the technical challenges that a fee-per-case system entails. Dr. med. Rainer Müller brings with him the competences regarding the creation and maintenance of a sensible grouping logic. We can recruit further experts from the fields of health economics, health policy, law and medical coding from our network if required.
This know-how has enabled eonum to accompany and support the development of various tariff systems in recent years:
- In the development of TARPSY, the Swiss tariff for inpatient psychiatry, we helped SwissDRG AG with data evaluation and the development of calculation models and provided support in the areas of tariff simulation, grouper software and IT interfaces.
- Within the framework of a joint project of the World Bank and the government of Kazakhstan, we gained experience in international consulting on tariff systems.
- Currently, we provide the software used to develop the new outpatient flat rates in Switzerland and support the tariff organisation OAAT AG with various services.
You too can benefit from this know-how! We offer you workshops and consultations as well as the corresponding software for tariff development. With eonum as your partner, there are no limits, especially with regard to software. With our development environment for patient classification systems, nothing stands in the way of an efficient development of a new fee-per-case system, as well as changes to existing systems. We also have experience in the development of other customised software solutions such as groupers, interfaces, search engines and other components of tariff development. Learn more about our patient classification systems on the corresponding offer page and contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.
For our counselling and analysis services, we use our own Casematch software. You can use this software too – find out more about it and get in touch with us!