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Consulting Outpatient flat rates and TARDOC

From 1st January 2026, outpatient services will be billed via the outpatient flat rates and the new TARDOC single service tariff. So it’s high time to prepare accordingly! Eonum offers you a wide range of advice so that you have the most important information in the shortest possible time.

With the help of our Casematch software, OAAT AG (formerly solutions tarifaires suisses AG) is developing the new flat rate per case system (only in German available). Accordingly, we are directly involved in it and know about the current developments at all times. Benefit from this knowledge advantage!

We already offer simulations of future remuneration based on your current service (TARMED and other tariffs) and cost data. We simulate the new case definition by splitting your current outpatient cases into individual patient contacts. These patient contacts are then grouped using the latest tariff version of the new outpatient tariffs. We use this data to calculate important key figures such as future income or a possible starting price (base rate) for your institution. You will also receive information on the flat rate and the degree of coverage of individual specialist areas. With this information, you are optimally prepared for the earnings situation, any base rate negotiations and the adjustment of service recording and billing. Find out more about the simulation process in our blog post on the topic or on our offer page on data analyses in the healthcare sector.

In addition to simulating your future earnings situation, we also offer you other services relating to the new outpatient tariffs. In workshops, we can optimally prepare you and your employees for the new tariff system. The further development of the tariffs will now be open to external input. We will therefore also be happy to advise you on applications relating to the future application process for the new outpatient tariffs.

Contact us today with your questions about the outpatient flat rates or TARDOC – we will be happy to help you and prepare you optimally for the new outpatient tariffs.

For our counselling and analysis services, we use our own Casematch software. You can use this software too – find out more about it and get in touch with us!

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You can find out more about the outpatient tariffs of the Swiss healthcare system and the current developments concerning TARMED, TARDOC and the outpatient flat rates in our knowledge section on outpatient tariffs.

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