Consulting ST Reha
Since the beginning of 2022, inpatient rehabilitation cases have been reimbursed via the ST Reha tariff system. Accordingly, many things are still new and in flux. In this environment, we will be happy to support you with our consulting services for your project.
Tim Peter and Dr. med. Rainer Müller, two former employees of SwissDRG AG, which maintains and develops the ST Reha tariff, work for eonum. In many joint projects over the last few years, we have supported SwissDRG in the development of various tariffs. As a result, we also have a lot of experience and know-how in the area of ST Reha.
Data analyses are an important part of many of our consulting services in the healthcare sector. We can also support you in the area of inpatient rehabilitation and around ST Reha with the help of our Casematch software and our experience in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Particularly in the first years of a new tariff structure, it continues to develop strongly. This further development can be influenced by corresponding application processes. We have a great deal of expertise in these processes. Together with our clients, we have been able to influence the development of various tariff structures in recent years. Find out more about our advisory services for the ST Reha and CHOP application procedures on the corresponding pages.
We look forward to hearing from you and to supporting you with our knowledge and experience in your ST Reha questions or projects.
For our counselling and analysis services, we use our own Casematch software. You can use this software too – find out more about it and get in touch with us!

You can find out more about the structure and functioning of the ST Reha tariff on our knowledge page on the inpatient rehabilitation tariff.