Consulting Applications ST Reha
Since 2022, medical services in inpatient rehabilitation have been billed via the ST Reha tariff structure. As in the other two inpatient tariff structures, an application procedure has also been established for ST Reha. This means that here, too, there is an opportunity to actively influence the tariff structure. With our consulting on all aspects of the ST Reha application procedure, we can help you get the most out of this opportunity.
Eonum can provide you with optimal support throughout the entire process. We have been working intensively with SwissDRG AG for many years and know the internal processes surrounding the application procedure. Accordingly, we can evaluate the chances of success and the various options in the application process in a first step. Here, for example, it is necessary to weigh up whether an application for a change in grouping or a new supplementary charge makes sense. Depending on this, a CHOP application is also required as a first step. Then it is a matter of formulating the corresponding applications and finding a suitable applicant.
Contact us today with your concerns about the ST Rehab application process. We look forward to hearing from you!
We also offer many other counselling services related to ST Reha. Find out more about them on the corresponding offer pages.
For our counselling and analysis services, we use our own Casematch software. You can use this software too – find out more about it and get in touch with us!

Basic information on the structure and functioning of the ST Reha tariff system can be found on the knowledge page on the inpatient tariff system in rehabilitation.