Would you like to launch a new drug in Switzerland, but don’t know how big the market potential is? In which hospitals occurs the indication of your product and in which quantity? Are you working in health policy and would like to evaluate different health relevant indicators? Do you have questions about regional or cantonal characteristics of the healthcare system? With our combination of know-how, data and tools, we are able to answer a wide range of questions about the Swiss healthcare landscape.
Through the programming of various platforms and applications, we developed the technically necessary fundamentals and built up an extensive database to answer questions about the Swiss healthcare landscape of all kinds. The way in which the data is evaluated and presented can be designed to meet the individual needs of each question. In addition to the classical tabular evaluation (e.g. with Excel), we can illustrate the development over time, map a geographical assessment or carry out statistical analyses (e.g. point out correlations).
Shortly after the introduction of the SwissDRG system, we launched the medical coding software Casematch. With this versatile tool, we can carry out different evaluations. Further, the website qm1 was developed in cooperation with Qualitätsmedizin Schweiz. It is used for the quality comparison of Swiss hospitals. And as part of a seminar at the University of Bern, we developed the web application GeopitalSuisse with the help of computer science students. It visualises the Swiss hospital landscape, with the possibility of filtering information according to the FOPH’s hospital statistics (Federal Office of Public Health). The focus of this tool is on the geographical perspective.
The combination of these tools enables us to create extensive evaluations. We use data from different sources and combine them:
- Number of inpatient cases (FOPH, SwissDRG, own procedure to determine any patient collectives)
- Key figures for hospitals (FOPH, ANQ, hospitals)
- Regional and cantonal key figures (FSO)
- optional: client data
Evaluation examples
- Are there regional differences regarding the subsidisation of public hospitals?

- Which hospitals are affected by the indication of a drug?
- In which hospital is a specific procedure performed and how frequently?
- Cantonal cost comparison for research and training.
- Which factors have an influence on the price of flatrates?
- …
Do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail (info@eonum.ch) or telephone (+41313111706). We will be pleased to help you.